Saturday, May 16, 2009

Change, Change, Change!

Okay, so I loved my first blog background, but then I found another cute I had to change! This need for change, I think, affects lots of aspects of my life...I constantly flip flop from one project to another (unfortunately without finishing the project first), I am constantly looking at new paint colors to paint my house (fortunately for my husband, we have no money to buy paint, so he's off the hook for having to constantly repaint the house!), and I constantly have really great ideas that I want to try, but don't usually have the time (with 2 crazy boys) to use those ideas! Well, at least with this blog I hope to keep a record of all those great ideas I find and one day, when my kiddos go off to school during the day, I might get a chance to try them out! (But no need to rush that...I am blessed with the chance to stay at home and chase those little guys around each day!) :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm Turning Green!

I was NOT brought up to be a "tree hugger" (that term alone is evidence!), but, despite what my house looks like with two little boys who feel that every toy they own should end up on the floor, I really hate clutter! I'm really starting to notice the amount of "clutter" we have building up, with all the stuff we bought and used once or twice (or not at all) and all the stuff we throw away each day (like multiple plastic baggies for the snacks the boys feel they must have each time we get into the car--apparently car rides and snacks are required to go together!).

I love my cute new reusable grocery bags from Albertsons and am really trying to remember to bring them with me each time I shop (I'm getting better at it!). I'm also loving that my grocery bag stash is dwindling (and maybe sometime soon I won't really need them anymore, when we finally stop using diapers!). :)

In my blog reading today (I needed some stress boys are both sick), I found some really cute "reusable" items I plan to make to maybe cut back on some more of our waste. (Oh, and I found another new blog I absolutely love --

I've seen these before, but they're always made of such cheesey fabric prints. I can handle one of these made out of super cute fabric like this! You can find this plastic grocery bag holder and the directions for making it at Make It and Love It's blog.

My other finding was these super cute Snack Bags by This would definitely cut down on all those baggies laying on the floor and shoved under the seats in my van!

And, speaking of all that trash all over the floor in my car, look at this cute little Trash Bag, also from Make It and Love It!

Okay, must go to bed now! Good night! :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Okay, I'm Back!

I didn't mean to fall off the planet for 3 weeks! We just got back from a wonderfully hectic week in Seattle--our first family vacation EVER with the 4 of us! We did almost everything you can do in a week, while commuting up and down the Sound! We drove 1,500 miles in those 7 days! The boys did awesome!
I'll post more pics about the trip, as well as the quilt/tablerunner I rushed to make during the trip and finished when I got back. It turned out so cute! It's going to be auctioned off at our annual auction for our MOPS group at Spokane Valley Nazarene Church. Everyone is invited to attend, enjoy yummy food, and get some great items, while supporting our MOPS group and other ministries at the church. It's this Saturday from 5-8 p.m.
As soon as I get my house back to some sort of order again, I'll get busy on blogging! See you soon!
Cathy :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Resurrection Eggs

I have been doing some homeschooling with Drew for Preschool and wanted to teach him more about Easter. I decided to make some Resurrection Eggs to help tell him the story of Easter with a hands-on approach. Instead of putting the eggs in an egg carton, I found a branch from the tree we just cut down in the backyard and created an "Egg Tree."

Resurrection Eggs

by Martha Matthews

Teach your children the story of Christ’s Resurrection with your own homemade "Resurrection Eggs".

Purchase 12 small plastic Easter eggs in different colors. These should be the kind that you can fill and are the right size to fit into an egg carton. Number them 1 through 12.

Save one egg carton from the grocery store for storage.

Into each egg place an item along with the message and scripture reference written on a small piece of paper (see list below).

Starting twelve days before Easter Sunday open one egg per day starting with egg number one. Look at the enclosed object. Read the message and scripture. Discuss it with your children. Leave each egg open, showing its contents. On the last day the egg is empty, just like Jesus' tomb!

Egg Number 1

Message: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches.

Passage: Matthew 21:1-11.

Item: A small plastic leaf or a piece of a palm branch.

Egg Number 2

Message: Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.

Passage: John 12:2-8.

Item: Small perfume sample, a piece of cloth or a piece of cotton with perfume on it.

Egg Number 3

Message: Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples.

Passage: Matthew 26:17-19.

Item: A small piece of cracker to represent the passover bread.

Egg Number 4

Message: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. 

Passage: Matthew 27:3.

Item: A dime or plastic “silver” money.

Egg Number 5

Message: Jesus carried His cross.

Passage: John 19:17.

Item: A Popsicle stick that is cut and glued in the form of a cross or a small plastic cross from a necklace.

Egg Number 6

Message: Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.

Passage: John 19:2.

Item: A small thorny branch or a single large thorn.

Egg Number 7

Message: Soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat.

Passage: John 19:23.

Item: Miniature dice.

Egg Number 8

Message: Jesus was nailed to a cross and pierced in His side.

Passage: John 19:18,37 and John 20:25-29.

Item: A nail.

Egg Number 9

Message: They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall on a sponge to drink.

Passage: Matthew 27:34.

Item: A small piece of sponge.

Egg Number 10

Message: Spices to prepare Jesus for burial.

Passage: John 19:40.

Item: a few whole cloves or other whole spices.

Egg Number 11

Message: The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away.

Passage: John 20:1.

Item: A small rock.

Egg Number 12

Message: The tomb is empty. He has risen!

Passage: Luke 24:6.

Item: None.

I found this at:

Wow! I have a blog?!

Okay, so I never thought I'd have my own blog. I have gotten so addicted to reading everyone else's blogs, though, that I thought it must be time to start my own. There are so many things going on in my life right now, that my hope is to use this blog to sort my ideas (and future project ideas), share things I've learned in everything from my relationship with Christ to great ways to save money, and, of course, show off my cute little boys!
But, first things first...time to go play "Hi Ho Cherry-O" with Cutie #1! :)
Cathy :)
